This is my first post! Pledge/Daughter is supposed to be a play-on-words for the angle of this blog. What I want to convey are all the wonderful struggles and celebrations of, as some of my friends say so eloquently, "living Greek in a Roman world." I was, and am no longer, a pledge in a sorority, and I am forever a daughter of God -- learning, living, and loving just as he sent his son to do.
Today's tribulation had some mild offiliaton with my sorority, but what I most want to share is how little, tiny events can sometimes be the things for which we need to give the most thanks.
It's Holy Week. I go to school out of state, so naturally, I was hoping to fly home this weekend to celebrate Easter with my family. I am also an engineering major, which translates to me never having a week that goes by that I do not have at least two tests or quizzes. Lucky me, I had a Physics midterm today at 3pm an hour long drive to the airport, and a boarding pass for a flight that leaving at 5:30 -- smells like trouble.
My sorority sisters offered to drive me to the airport (thank you, gems!), so I ran back from my exam and sped off for the airport at a little after 4. As the clock turned to 5pm on my cellphone I thought to myself, "I am surely not making it to the airport. My parents are going to be so disapointed, and I will have completely ruined Easter." But then I remembered -- He is always with me, and I threw up a prayer.
I prayed, "Dear Lord, please, I never see my family. I need to be on this flight as soon as possible. Do not let it leave without me. So many people will be hurt if I don't arrive -- actually, strike that -- I feel like so many people will be hurt, but it's actually the opposite. Only a few people will be hurt, but they will be so hurt I will feel like the world is hurting. Let me go to my family."
At 5:10 I rushed through the sliding glass doors of the airport to a display monitor. My eyes searched the monitor up and down for my flight, within seconds I found it, and it just so happened the secruity checkpoint to my gate was wide open. I hustled through secruity and arrived at the gate just as the flight attendent was saying, "last call for passengers!"
As I exhaled a breath of exhaustion I thought to myself, "how lucky could I get?! I probably should have missed this plane!" But then, quickly, I realized, God's Grace had intervined and He was sending me home for Easter.
I'm so happy you got to go home! God's Grace is always there for us, have a blessed Easter!